For at fejre medieforliget i går, der udstrakte kop-skatten (licensen) til også at omfatte pc’ere (Se Rohdes strengt logiske forsvar for denne udvidelse af beskatningen her), men som dog opretter en public service-fond, som med tiden måske — måske ikke — kan få aflivet den nationalromantiske forestilling om statsopdragelse af masserne, bringer vi her et link til et lille indlæg om DRs åndelige og statsunderstøttede britiske tvilling BBC, der nu åbner i USA. Man mener åbenbart, at MSM i USA ikke er tilstrækkeligt venstresnoet.

Artiklen er af Gerard Baker, og her er et par smagsprøver:

A few years ago the former boss of the BBC attacked American television news for too slavishly following the government line. Instead the BBC now says in its publicity, it will offer “both sides of the story”.

Roughly translated this means the BBC thinks that, while the vast majority of Americans are morons who are perfectly content to swallow right-wing rubbish from their political and media masters, there is an educated and sophisticated elite on the coasts that feels somehow its worldview is underrepresented by the current giants of the mainstream media in the US.

This might come as surprise to Americans casually familiar with the output of CNN, CBS, NBC or ABC but the BBC is happy anyway to add its own little three-lettered logo to the vast and steaming alphabet soup of liberal bias. …

BBC News is produced by a very large team of ideological confreres, who, with a very few exceptions subscribe to the smart London set’s view of the modern world.

This thinks, roughly, that capitalism is some sort of conspiracy by evil men against the ordinary working stiff and that big government and higher taxes are the only route to a fair society.

Bakers pointe er ikke at jamre sig over den politiske ensretning i BBC’s nyhedsformidling, men den ekstreme konkurrenceforvridning, der følger af deres (dårligt kamuflerede) skatteopkrævning. Også på det punkt ligner situationen noget, vi kender hjemmefra.

Læs selv hele artiklen her.

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