Thatcher vs. Hillary

Som bekendt er en af denne punditokrats favorit-klummeskribenter Peggy Noonan.  Hendes seneste Wall Street Journal klumme er en sammenligning af Margaret Thatcher og Hillary Clinton, og den begynder sådan:

The story as I was told it is that in the early years of her prime ministership, Margaret Thatcher held a meeting with her aides and staff, all of whom were dominated by her, even awed. When it was over she invited her cabinet chiefs to join her at dinner in a nearby restaurant. They went, arrayed themselves around the table, jockeyed for her attention. A young waiter came and asked if they’d like to hear the specials. Mrs. Thatcher said, “I will have beef.”

Yes, said the waiter. “And the vegetables?”

“They will have beef too.”

Og lidt af sammenligningen af de to kvinder:

A word on toughness. Mrs. Clinton is certainly tough, to the point of hard. But toughness should have a purpose. In Mrs. Thatcher’s case, its purpose was to push through a program she thought would make life better in her country. Mrs. Clinton’s toughness seems to have no purpose beyond the personal accrual of power. What will she do with the power? Still unclear. It happens to be unclear in the case of several candidates, but with Mrs. Clinton there is a unique chasm between the ferocity and the purpose of the ferocity. There is something deeply unattractive in this, and it would be equally so if she were a man.

Læs resten her.

1 thoughts on “Thatcher vs. Hillary

  1. Poul Højlund

    Du har ret: det er en fremragende smuk portrætskite af lady Thatcher – og et smukt portrætfoto i øvrigt – og en ligeså fremragende besk skitse af Mrs. Clinton.Især det sidste afsnit skærer helt ind til benet:”Mrs. Clinton’s generation, he [Obama] suggests, is caught in the 1960s, fighting old battles, clinging to old divisions, frozen in time, and the way to get past it is to get past her. Maybe this will resonate. But I don’t think Mrs. Clinton is the exemplar of a generation, she is the exemplar of a quadrant within a generation, and it is the quadrant the rest of us of that generation do not like. They came from comfort and stability, visited poverty as part of a college program, fashionably disliked their country, and cultivated a bitterness that was wholly unearned. They went on to become investment bankers and politicians and enjoy wealth, power or both.” Savner vi ikke kommentarer på det niveau her til lands? Midt i denne elendige valgkamp er det store spørgsmål, hvorfor politikkerne ter sig så tåbeligt, som tilfældet er. Hvorfor kan de slippe godt fra det?Fordi politikkerne er trekvart ligeglade med vælgerne, tilsvarende med de begavede kommentarer. Den eneste grund til at inddrage vælgerne i valget er de judaspenge, der tilgår hvert parti pr. stemme modtaget. Da bestikkelsespengene blev indført, blev dansk politik korrumperet for alvor, og fuldstændigt frigjort fra befolkningen. Det er sandelig en ynk!


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