Tag-arkiv: ansvarlighed

Hvad #$*! forestiller grækerne sig?

Den græske regering har åbenbart cirkuleret et non-paper efter at Eurogroup-mødet om de græske problemer var slut (Hattip: Robert Went). Her er teksten, som man kun kan ryste på hovedet af. Oversættelse følger.

  1. Today is a page-turning day for Greece. Negotiations mean giving fights without going back on the public mandate you have received. [Today] proves that a negotiation could have happened all those years ago and that Greece is not isolated, not heading towards the rocks, and not continuing with the Memoranda.
  2. The design to trap the new Greek government until 28 of February was overturned. The fundamental strategic plan for the time period (4 months), in the framework of an intermediate agreement, which will give us the possibility of negotiation, was successful.
  3. The blackmailing attempts in the last 24 hours came to nothing. The request for an extension of the loan agreement was eventually accepted in principle, and it constitutes the basis of further decisions as well as upcoming developments.
  4. The recessionary measures on which the former government was bounded were overturned (Hardouvelis email about pension cuts, tax increases etc), as well as the agreements about the exorbitant and out-worldly primary surpluses.
  5. The extra-institutional construct of TROIKA, which was giving orders and had become a new superpower, is finished.
  6. The new Greek government will present its own list of reforms for the next intermediate stage, proposing those that represent a common ground.
  7. The Greek government and Europe will take the necessary time in order for the negotiation towards the final transition to begin, from policies of recession, unemployment, and social insecurity towards policies of growth, employment and social justice.
  8. The Greek government, with clear mind, will continue its governmental work, having on its side Greek society, and will continue the negotiation until the final agreement in the summer.

Min subjective oversættelse af det græske non-paper er: 1) Vi vil ikke overholde tidligere aftaler; 2) Vi betragter vores nye karensperiode som et oplæg til yderligere forhandling; 3) Enhver forhandling skal give os flere penge; 4) Vi har ikke tænkt os at skære ned nogen steder; 5) Vi har tænkt os at ignorere alle institutionelle kreditorer, uanset at de samarbejder; 6) Vi gør hvad vi vil uanset hvad I siger; 7) Vi har ikke tænkt os at svare klart lige med det samme; og 8) Resten af Grækenland vil heller ikke betale sin gæld, så hvorfor skulle vi ville det?

Syriza-regeringen fortjener i hurtigt stigende grad sit nye øgenavn: Feta-forbryderne. Hvis de af en eller anden ukendt årsag faktisk mener det alvorligt, at de vil rydde op, kan de starte med lørdagens anbefaling fra Die Welt: Grækenland må begrave sine drømme.