Overskriften på forsiden af BT: Du bliver klog af dårligt TV.
Det er første gang, at jeg hører et godt argument for begrebet public service i de elektroniske medier — hvis det altså er rigtigt.
UPDATE (26/5): Det er ikke kun i Danmark, man lider under public service. Læs Boris Johnsons fornøjelige beretning fra vores “liberale” naboland, UK, hvor han undrer sig over det urimelige i at skulle finansiere BBC, og så endda med den mest urimelige form for skat: kop-skatten, eller licensen som den også kaldes. Her er et citat om, hvor svært det er at angribe public service, men læs selv.
The corporation is a cultural and political anachronism, locked in a pre-1997 mindset. It is also, of course, rather wonderful. The reason that it is so immensely politically powerful is that its Leftist message is subconsciously legitimated by association with things that we love and cherish and make us proud to be British … How could anyone possibly attack such a thing? BBC political bias is like the arms dump once hidden in the Parthenon. You could blow it up, but it would be an act of cultural vandalism for which future generations might not forgive you.