Hvordan evaluere regeringsgrundlaget? Fire tommelfingerregler

Valget er overstået og folk – kommentatorer og almindelige vælgere – er begyndt at evaluere både valget og regeringsgrundlaget. Så hvordan gør man det, og hvad skal man vælge hvad man kan tro på? Med et kommende valg på New Zealand har Eric Crampton stillet sig cirka samme spørgsmål. Eric opridser fire ’tidløse emner’, man evt. kan bruge som tommelfingerregler til formålet:

  1. Decide whether what matters to you is what serves your selfish interest or what’s good would serve the social good. If the latter, ask what sacrifices you are being asked to make, not how others are going to pay.
  2. Pay not attention to a policy that promises to create jobs, unless it specifically mentions labour market policy.
  3. Ignore promise of goodies to be financed by stronger economic growth.
  4. Ignore any policy that labels social spending “investment”.

Hver læser er velkommen til at give deres besyv med.

2 thoughts on “Hvordan evaluere regeringsgrundlaget? Fire tommelfingerregler

  1. Eric Crampton

    Apologies for posting in English. The post quoted and linked above was by my excellent (but less active) co-blogger Seamus Hogan; I agree with him, but credit is his.

  2. Christian Bjørnskov

    Dear Eric: Thanks for correcting us. Seamus of course deserves credit when it is his post.


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