Kan ChatGPT bestå en eksamen i økonomi?

Inspireret af professor Per Nikolaj Bukh fra Aalborg Universitet, forsøgte jeg at give ChatGPT et par multiple choice-spørgsmål i økonomi. Jeg valgte et spørgsmål i kategorien “Elasticity of Demand and Supply” og svaret er ret iomponerende. Ikke blot svarer den rigtigt. Den kommer også med en ganske fin forklaring på svaret.

ChatGPT består et klassisk spørgsmål

Her er mit spørgsmål:

A student club wants to raise just enough income to cover its costs. Its income comes partly from membership fees and partly from selling tickets for its nightly discos. Attendance at the discos currently leads to overcrowding of the club’s room. The demand for membership is price inelastic and the demand for discos is price elastic. To reduce the crowding without changing its total income, what should the club do?

a) Raise both the disco ticket price and the membership fee.
b) Lower both the disco ticket price and the membership fee.
c) Raise the disco ticket price but lower the membership fee.
d) Lower the disco ticket price but raise the membership fee.

Og her er ChatGPT’s svar:

c) Raise the disco ticket price but lower the membership fee.

The demand for membership is price inelastic, which means that the quantity demanded of membership does not change much in response to a change in price. Therefore, raising the membership fee will not significantly decrease the demand for membership. On the other hand, the demand for discos is price elastic, which means that the quantity demanded of discos will change significantly in response to a change in price. Therefore, raising the price of disco tickets will decrease the demand for discos and reduce the overcrowding of the club’s room. By raising the price of disco tickets and lowering the membership fee, the club can increase its income from the disco tickets to compensate for the decrease in income from the membership fees, while also reducing the overcrowding in the club’s room.

I mine øjne er ChatGPT’s svar ikke blot rigtigt men også fuldt dækkende. Så svaret ville give fuld point. Og hvis kvaliteten er bare nogenlunde lige så god på andre områder, vil ChatGPT uden problemer bestå denne eksamen, som meget ligner, hvad jeg blev udsat for på økonomistudiet.

Men ChatGPT består ikke St. Bededag-spørgsmålet

For sjov spurgte jeg også ind til effekten af at aflyse St. Bededag.

How will labor supply be affected if the government permanently cancels a national holiday?

Her er ChatGPTs svar:

The impact of cancelling a national holiday on the labor supply will depend on the specific circumstances, including the holiday in question, the expectations and practices around it, and the reactions of employees.

If the holiday is one that is widely observed and employees are typically given the day off with pay, cancelling the holiday could increase the labor supply by making it more attractive for employees to work on that day. This could happen if the holiday is cancelled and replaced with a regular work day, or if the holiday is cancelled but employees are still given the day off but without pay. In either case, employees who would have been off work on the holiday would now be available to work, which could increase the overall labor supply.

On the other hand, cancelling a national holiday could potentially decrease the labor supply if it leads to employee discontent or a perception that the employer or the government is not supportive of work-life balance. If employees feel that their time off or their ability to celebrate certain holidays is being unfairly taken away, they may be less motivated to work or may even look for other employment opportunities. In this case, cancelling the holiday could lead to a decrease in the overall labor supply.

Overall, the impact of cancelling a national holiday on the labor supply will depend on the specific circumstances and the reactions of employees.

I overskriften skriver jeg, at ChatGPT ikke består spørgsmålet. Det er selvfølgelig en vurderingssag. Den har fat i nogle rigtige ting, men misser i mine øjne nogle helt centrale pointer (fx at folk selv bestemmer, hvor meget de vil holde fri) og fokuserer på noget helt forkert i hvert fald ift. økonomi (“leads to employee discontent or a perception that the employer or the government is not supportive of work-life balance“). Måske kan den bestå i nogle tilfælde, men noget godt svar er det ikke i mine øjne.

Jeg prøvede også at hjælpe ChatGPT ved at bede den om at besvare at fokusere på økonomisk teori. Men det gav heller ikke noget rigtig godt svar, jf. nedenstående.

In economic theory, the labor supply curve represents the relationship between the wage rate and the quantity of labor that workers are willing and able to supply. Factors that can affect the labor supply curve include changes in the wage rate, changes in the availability of non-labor income, changes in the cost of working, and changes in the overall level of economic activity.

If the government permanently cancels a national holiday, it could potentially affect the labor supply curve in a number of ways. For example:

* If cancelling the holiday leads to an increase in the wage rate or in the availability of non-labor income, it could shift the labor supply curve to the right, indicating an increase in the quantity of labor that workers are willing and able to supply.
* If ancelling the holiday leads to a decrease in the wage rate or in the availability of non-labor income, it could shift the labor supply curve to the left, indicating a decrease in the quantity of labor that workers are willing and able to supply.
* If cancelling the holiday leads to an increase in the cost of working (e.g. if it leads to increased transportation costs or other expenses), it could shift the labor supply curve to the left, indicating a decrease in the quantity of labor that workers are willing and able to supply.
* If cancelling the holiday leads to an increase in the overall level of economic activity (e.g. if it leads to increased demand for goods and services), it could shift the labor supply curve to the right, indicating an increase in the quantity of labor that workers are willing and able to supply.

Overall, the impact of cancelling a national holiday on the labor supply curve will depend on the specific circumstances and the net effect of the various factors that can affect the labor supply curve.

Det rigtige svar rent økonomisk er, at effekten på arbejdsudbuddet må forventes at være relativt beskedent på lang sigt, med mindre ferieloven eller andre regler tvinger folk til at arbejde mere, end de ønsker. Og det tvivler jeg helt ærligt på.

Det kan du høre om i gårsdagens afsnit af “Økonomiske principper”.

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